Evenin' Folks,
I thought I'd start off the series of AFFTA IFTD 2017 posts with a recap of Demo Day. IFTD Demo Day is an event where members of the media are invited to the Ritz-Carlton Grande Lakes in Orlando before the opening of the IFTD Show and given the opportunity to talk with some manufacturers and use their new products on the water, under real conditions with a rep's (or in some cases, the designer's(!!!)) coaching and input. It really is an incredible opportunity that I very much enjoy.
The setup was a little different this year in that all of the participating manufacturers were lined up along one long pond, which really made it easier to get to all the booths and make sure there was time to try all the new toys. And, I don't want you to think that this was like casting into a 2-inch deep pool like the indoor casting ponds at various fly fishing events. No, the water hazards of the Ritz-Carlton Grande Lakes golf course are trophy managed bass ponds. Certainly not easy ponds to fish, but if you are lucky enough to hook up it's with a largemouth bass worthy of the latest and greatest products being tested.
Unfortunately, I was skunked. But, I was skunked using some of the most advanced fly fishing products to date. And I had a hell of a time doing it and can't wait until Demo Day 2018! Follow along with the photos below. I'd love to hear your thoughts on any of them. And be on the lookout for the next article in the IFTD 2017 series very soon.
I hope you're all doing well,