Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Spooling Up

I finally got around to spooling up the Aspen Reels Aspen 300 mid-arbor fly reel. I lined it with Risen Fly Omega Supreme 4 weight line and will mount it on an Eagle Claw Featherlight rod. This feels like a nearly bullet proof set up that I'm really looking forward to putting to use!!
via Instagram http://ift.tt/2yVNIy1

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Friday, December 08, 2017

To all my friends...

To all my friends in north Georgia and beyond, keep posting the snow pics!! I love seeing them and, honestly, I'm a bit envious. Having said that, we're to be in the low 80s today, so I am seriously thinking about going out for a paddle after work!!
via Instagram http://ift.tt/2AmWyL0

Saturday, December 02, 2017

Definitely keeping a Ty-Rite on my sling pack from now on!

Definitely keeping a Ty-Rite on my sling pack from now on! The flies I used on this trip weren't all that small, but it was nice to be able to hold them confidently and not worry about dropping or putting a hook point in my finger.
via Instagram http://ift.tt/2nltpcV

Thursday, November 30, 2017

It wasn't just location scouting and hiking...

It wasn't just location scouting and hiking last week, I did actually catch some fish,too. I caught this chubby little rainbow in a fast moving slough carved out of solid rock.
via Instagram http://ift.tt/2jBjivg

Saturday, November 25, 2017

When it comes to flyfishing solo...

When it comes to flyfishing solo, I tend to be very risk averse. I've found lots of very productive looking holes on this trip, but I won't risk my neck to get at them. As much as we all love wild trout, they aren't worth it. Stay safe out there!
via Instagram http://ift.tt/2hQXNGn

Thursday, November 16, 2017

North Georgia native Brook Trout

Throwing it back to catching little North Georgia native Brook Trout last month as I prepare to head out after them again next week!!

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2AVsxOT

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Crested Caracara

We feel incredibly fortunate to have spotted two Crested Caracara driving through the orange groves and cattle farms on our way home from the tractor show last night!! Their numbers have greatly declined since the 1960s due to habitat loss, but, thanks to state and federal Fish and Wildlife departments, their numbers are improving. They are striking looking raptors, we're so glad we got to see them!!! This is a royalty free stock photo, I couldn't get a picture myself.
via Instagram http://ift.tt/2AyyHDR

Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Saturday, November 04, 2017

Flounder Creek Outfitters

We took a ride down to Titusville this morning so we could check out Flounder Creek Outfitters! The owner, Nick (great name!) wasn't in, but I got to visit with his mom for a bit. A great shop that carries in-house tied flies, more tying materials than you could shake a hook at and a wealth of local knowledge! Check them out if you're in the area!!
via Instagram http://ift.tt/2ziDCuW

What's the secret to tiny trout?

What's the secret to tiny trout on ultralight gear in skinny streams? Leave no riffle unfished!
via Instagram http://ift.tt/2iYCSFd

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

NC Fly Fishing Trail Pledge

"As a true sportsman, I pledge to never litter and to avoid trespassing on private lands. I will respect the rights of property owners, and always leave the streams in better condition than I found them." -- NC Fly Fishing Trail Pledge
via Instagram http://ift.tt/2gZdA9k

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Tying up some flies for a trip next month.

Tying up some flies for a trip next month. I need to order some more hooks and materials! I think I might go with a bulk hook assortment, instead of the expensive little packets. Any thoughts or experiences?

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2iKIW3X

Friday, October 27, 2017

Wet wading!!

Wet wading with the Korkers K5 Bombers! These boots grip so well I think sometimes I'm a little too confident! But, I do love the feeling of cool water flowing past my feet!!
via Instagram http://ift.tt/2xs5lWu

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Took a short hike yesterday

Took a short hike yesterday to enjoy the <slightly> lower humidity. Saw this guy and a couple of his brothers sunning in the duckweed in a flooded area next to the trail.
via Instagram http://ift.tt/2z0ylsU

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Simple Bunny redfish fly

Barrie Mann led the MCFF Fly Tyers group tonight in tying his Simple Bunny redfish fly. Very easy fly to tie, no reason not to keep a dozen on hand!! Mid-Coast Fly Fishers in New Smyrna Beach meetings are second Mondays, tying nights are third Mondays.
via Instagram http://ift.tt/2xKmUAn

Friday, October 06, 2017

Fair Flies Dubbing Brushes

I met some of the guys from Fair Flies at this year's IFTD Show and they were kind enough to send me some samples of their awesome Ethically Sourced fly brushes. I feel bad that it's taken me this long to try them, but I received the package just before we evacuated from Hurricane Irma and I haven't spent much time at the vice since then. I'm tying up some flies for my trip next week and finally get to play with the brushes. These things are incredible!! These are some of the thickest packed brushes I've used, there's a ton of dubbing, crystal, tinsel and even rubber legs in these things!! But, even with all that material they're still flexible and wrap really well. I can't wait to see their action in the water!! Check out their story, FairFlies are doing good things!!
via Instagram http://ift.tt/2yvIe1s

Still more than half a week away...

Still more than half a week away, but I'm already counting down the hours until I'm back, knee-deep in cold water waving a stick in the air! Find me at the Orvis Down The Hatch show in Alpharetta, I'll have stickers with me!
via Instagram http://ift.tt/2y5rQUq

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

MCFF Tying Night: Nomad Fly

The fly from last night's Mid-Coast Fly Fisher's tying meeting was an all-species fly from the pacific north west called the Nomad. Originally a trout fly, but scaled up and taught by member Carl Sanders to work in the warm, Florida saltwater. Definitely one to tie in various sizes!
via Instagram http://ift.tt/2xaEPUJ

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

MCFF Tying Meeting "Baby Tarpon" flies

At last night's MCFF meeting we tied up some "Baby Tarpon" flies. A pretty easy fly to tie, but proper technique was important in several steps!!
via Instagram http://ift.tt/2vlG1zA

Monday, August 21, 2017

St. John's River Ferry

We had our first ride on the St. John's River Ferry this weekend! There is no bridge over the river for A1A and the ferry keeps you from having to drive to Jacksonville and getting on I-295. Only a 5 minute ride, but we enjoyed it. And, it's part of the National Parks system, so we got to check off another park. They don't let you fish, though. I asked.
via Instagram http://ift.tt/2x58knQ

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Sticker Sighting!!

Sticker Sighting!! Repost from @simpson941, one of the winners of the 2017 The Suburban Angler annual giveaway, as he's cranking out some wooly buggers! Thanks buddy!!
via Instagram http://ift.tt/2wtr02D

Saturday, August 19, 2017

2017 Flood Tide Festival

Hanging out at the Flood Tide Festival at Black Fly Outfitter in Jacksonville today! Fly gear, BBQ, beer and friends! Say hi if you run into us!!
via Instagram http://ift.tt/2uSnEqn

Sunday, August 13, 2017

IFTD Demo Day 2017

Evenin' Folks,
  I thought I'd start off the series of AFFTA IFTD 2017 posts with a recap of Demo Day.  IFTD Demo Day is an event where members of the media are invited to the Ritz-Carlton Grande Lakes in Orlando before the opening of the IFTD Show and given the opportunity to talk with some manufacturers and use their new products on the water, under real conditions with a rep's (or in some cases, the designer's(!!!)) coaching and input.  It really is an incredible opportunity that I very much enjoy.  
  The setup was a little different this year in that all of the participating manufacturers were lined up along one long pond, which really made it easier to get to all the booths and make sure there was time to try all the new toys.  And, I don't want you to think that this was like casting into a 2-inch deep pool like the indoor casting ponds at various fly fishing events.  No, the water hazards of the Ritz-Carlton Grande Lakes golf course are trophy managed bass ponds.  Certainly not easy ponds to fish, but if you are lucky enough to hook up it's with a largemouth bass worthy of the latest and greatest products being tested.
  Unfortunately, I was skunked.  But, I was skunked using some of the most advanced fly fishing products to date.  And I had a hell of a time doing it and can't wait until Demo Day 2018!  Follow along with the photos below.  I'd love to hear your thoughts on any of them.  And be on the lookout for the next article in the IFTD 2017 series very soon.
  I hope you're all doing well,
Ritz Carlton Grade Lakes - IFTD Demo Day 2017
IFTD 2017 Demo Day 7am at the Ritz-Carlton Grande Lakes, Orlando, Florida
The J.W. Marriott Hotel at the Ritz-Carlton Grande Lakes Golf Course, Orlando, Florida

Hardy Fly Fishing Ultralight Series - IFTD 2017 Demo Day
Hardy Fly Fishing let me cast one of their new Zephrus Ultralight Series rods in 9' 5-weight with one of their classic Bougle reels.  This setup was designed for delicate presentations and was a pleasure to cast!

Sage Salt HD - IFTD Demo Day 2017
The new Salt HD from Sage Fly Fishing has a very soft, smooth cast and the KonneticHD technology helps put the power on for the quick casts that sight fishing saltwater fish requires.

Waterworks-Lamson Center Axis - IFTD Demo Day 2017
I had the opportunity to cast the new Waterworks-Lamson Center Axis rod and reel side-by-side with an identically outfitted conventional fly rod and reel and the difference was quite astounding! 

Orvis Helios 3 & Scientific Anglers Bonefish Line - IFTD Demo Day 2017
At the Scientific Anglers station I got to cast their new Bonefish line on an Orvis Helios 3 rod.  This combination made for near effortless casting of this 8 weight!  I'd really like to spend some more time fishing with this setup!

G Loomis IMX-PRO - IFTD Demo Day 2017
G. Loomis introduced their new IMX-PRO series of rods this year.  These rods take advantage of the IMX-PRO Matrix graphite that they've been using on their tournament bass rods.  This strong, lightweight rod was a pleasure to cast and with a price tag around $500 it's a high quality rod that's not totally out of reach.

Birds - IFTD Demo Day 2017
We weren't the only ones fishing at the Ritz-Carlton!

Simms Bus - IFTD Demo Day 2017
I spent some time talking with Nick (good name!) from Simms Fishing in front of the Simms Bus.  As a Large Outdoorsman myself, I was very happy to hear the Simms has starting increasing the sizes available on some of their more popular lines. 

Drift Boats - IFTD Demo Day 2017
The Ritz-Carlton Grande Lakes is a beautiful venue for the AFFTA IFTD Demo Day.  They hotel even provided drift boats and guides to help put attendees on fish!