The Suburban Angler
A Fly Fishing Blog: Suburban fly fishing in North Georgia, Central Florida and beyond!
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Sunday, January 31, 2021
Tried something new today! . #Bucees #BuceesWarnerRobins #gasstation #conveniencestore #lotsofjerky #butnoflyrods #roadtrip #rving #TheSuburbanAngler #335
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Loaded up and ready to head out! See you on the road! . #camping #roadtrip #workingtrip #GrandDesign #Imagine #ttlife #rving #rvlife #needsanotherbath #flyfishing #TheSuburbanAngler #336
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Saturday, January 30, 2021
It's been entirely too long since the Half Weight has had any exercise! I think it's time to remedy that!! . #brookie #fishfingers #TFO #HalfWeight #ElkHairCaddis #flyfishing #bluelining #ultralightflyfishing #brooktrout #natives #TheSuburbanAngler #337
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Thursday, January 28, 2021
Never leave your knife in your pocket on laundry day! . #HoneyIShrunkMyPocketKnife #Gerber #GerberKnives #GerberLST #UltralightKnife #pocketknife #foldingknife #edc #edcgear #MadeInUSA #TheSuburbanAngler #338
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I've been seeing some great ties here lately and it's making me want to dust off the vise and fill some flyboxes myself! . #flytying #beentoolong #flies #flytyingvise #saltwaterflies #bassflies #bluegillflies #troutflies #flyfishing #TheSuburbanAngler #339
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Tuesday, January 26, 2021
The super top secret brook trout spot is riiiiiiiight there! . #map #topo #topomap #brooktrout #topsecret #fishingspot #danggoodbbq #flyfishingandbbq #barbecue #ncbbq #mapreading #tripplanning #AlwaysLeaveAnItinerary #flyfishing #FlyFishNC #GetOutside #TheSuburbanAngler #341
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Monday, January 25, 2021
Cool wind and current patterns in a very moody looking river this morning. . #moody #river #wind #water #currents #rain #clouds #HalifaxRiver #bridge #ocean #FLOutdoors #riverlife #TheSuburbanAngler #342
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Sunday, January 24, 2021
Incredible color on this bluegill!! Caught in a very tannic, roadside pond near St. Augustine a while back on a 2 weight rod. I need to go find some more! . #Bluegill #bream #sunfish #tannicwater #colorful #coloredup #StAugustine #FlyfishFL #FLOutdoors #flyfishing #warmwaterflyfishing #2wt #2weight #ultralightflyfishing #TheSuburbanAngler #343
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Friday, January 22, 2021
I'm ready to get my feet wet and hang dry flies in the rhododendron! . #SOON #stream #flyfishing #wetwading #rhododendron #troutstream #trout #troutfishing #brooktrout #brookie #rainbow #brown #mountains #mountainstream #TheSuburbanAngler #344
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Thursday, January 21, 2021
Pancakes. Pancakes are the answer. Rich, buttery, crispy-edged, cooked on cast iron, pancakes. Doesn't matter what the question is. . #pancakes #griddlecakes #flapjacks #breakfast #lunch #dinner #campcooking #castiron #castironcooking #butter #maplesyrup #campstove #camping #rving #outdoors #TheSuburbanAngler #345
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Wednesday, January 20, 2021
No Wake Zone . #NoWakeZone #Peaceful #Tomoka #saltwaterflyfishing #flyfishing #flyrod #sign #mangroves #sunset #TheSuburbanAngler #346
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The water is calling! . #water #boating #GetOutside #flyfishing #FLOutdoors #FlyfishFL #NeedToMakeTime #TheSuburbanAngler #347
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Monday, January 18, 2021
Starting to think about route planning for the IFTD 2021 Daytona to Denver trip. I had such a great experience last time that I'm really getting excited to do it again. I'm thinking this year I'd like to visit some National Parks along the route. Where would you visit along the way? Any suggestions for me? . #ColorfulColorado #Colorado #WelcomeCenterSign #IFTD2021 #DaytonatoDenver2021 #NationalPark #NationalParksLoop #camping #rving #flyfishing #hiking #traveling #roadtrip #NationalParksCamping #TheSuburbanAngler #348
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Sunday, January 17, 2021
I have a bad habit of hanging on to magazines for way too long and really have to restrain myself from buying old ones! But, can you imagine reading through this 104 year old Field and Stream I spotted in an antique store a while back? I probably would've bought it, if I had thought it would survive the trip to the check out counter! I'm still kicking myself. . #104yearsold #FieldAndStream #December1917 #antique #vintage #magazine #outdoors #sporting #AmericasMagazineForTheOutdoorsman #outdoors #outdoorsman #TheSuburbanAngler #349
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Saturday, January 16, 2021
Supposed to be pretty windy on Saturday, but Sunday should be good for taking the boat out. Fingers crossed! . #boat #canoe #paddling #electricmotor #windy #flyfishing #Gheenoe #Highsider #boating #FLOutdoors #FlyfishFL #LearningTheRopes #TheSuburbanAngler #351
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Friday, January 15, 2021
I'm going to head over to the Speedway this weekend to [safely] check out the Daytona Boat Show! I'm not planning to upgrade any time soon, but it never hurts to look, right? . #DaytonaBoatShow2021 #BoatShow #DaytonaInternationalSpeedway #DaytonaBeach #boats #skiff #fishingboat #pleasureboat #yacht #flyfishing #FlyfishFL #FLOutdoors #TheSuburbanAngler #352
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Thursday, January 14, 2021
Januaries always get me thinking about reorganizing! Life, gear, truck, closet all are up for consideration. My thoughts lately have been on my fly packs. I tend to like sling packs for my style of flyfishing, but I don't like getting sand in my trout flies. Or, pulling off a 7x trout tippet when I'm looking for 1x or 0x for bass and bluegill. Think I might split up separate packs for different scenarios. Any thoughts? Arguments one way or the other? Items you would duplicate in every bag? . #slingpack #NewYear #Reorganizing #organization #flygear #flypack #fishinggear #saltwaterflyfishing #warmwaterflyfishing #coldwaterflyfishing #bass #bluegill #trout #redfish #snook #flies #flybox #flyfishing #TheSuburbanAngler #353
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Wednesday, January 13, 2021
I'm ready for another visit! . #flyfishingmuseumofthesouthernappalachians #BrysonCity #NorthCarolina #NativeSpeckledTrout #FishArt #flyfishing #museum #roadtrip #vintageflyfishing #history #TheSuburbanAngler #354
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Tuesday, January 12, 2021
For some reason I've got White Bass on the brain tonight! Hopefully I'll have a chance at them this spring. Anybody willing to share their favorite fly pattern? . #WhiteBass #WhiteBassRun #flyfishing #FlyfishGA #northGeorgia #bassfly #flypattern #TheSuburbanAngler #355
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Monday, January 11, 2021
The Tomoka River is very high on my exploration list! Hopefully time and weather will cooperate soon! . #TomokaRiver #exploration #flyfishing #boating #Gheenoe #FLOutdoors #FlyFishFL #GetOutside #MakeTime #MoreFunIn21 #TheSuburbanAngler #356
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Saturday, January 09, 2021
A cool, cloudy morning was the perfect excuse to have Fish 'n Chips for lunch! Our favorite place is near the Flagler Beach Pier and we even found a great spot to park and eat! . #TheGoldenLion #FlaglerBeachPier #FlaglerBeach #FishNChips #coolandcloudy #beachweather #A1A #ScenicByway #oldFlorida #FLOutdoors #TheSaltwaterAngler #357
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Friday, January 08, 2021
Love these storm drain graphics! . #StormDrain #NoWasteWater #FlowsToOcean #TriggerFish? #DontPollute #CityOfKeyWest #travel #flyfishingdestination #flyfishing #saltwaterflyfishing #FlyfishFL #FLOutdoors #WalkingTour #TheSuburbanAngler #358
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Wednesday, January 06, 2021
I finally got a new computer, so I can start editing my IFTD trip video again! I had a request for a stand alone video of my drive up Pikes Peak, so I'm thinking of starting out of sequence and doing that section first. . #PikesPeak #DriveToTheTop #video #DaytonaToDenver2019 #IFTDTrip #dashcam #camping #rving #flyfishing #TheSuburbanAngler #360
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Tuesday, January 05, 2021
Disappointed that I don't get to add another name tag to my collection. I received an email saying The Fly Fishing Show Atlanta 2021 has been postponed until 2022. Now, I need to decide if I should keep my camping reservation and go fishing in the mountains or cancel the reservation and fish at home. . #TheFlyFishingShow #TheFlyFishingShowATL #ATL2021 #TFFS2021 #TFFS2022 #flyfishing #camping #rving #northGeorgia #FlyfishGA #FlyfishFL #TheSuburbanAngler #361
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My passion for old machines led me to snap a picture while walking by. I never did walk back to investigate, but a bit of quick research told me that this is a Turtle Grinder on display in front of the Key West Turtle Cannery Museum. They were closed while we were there, but I will definitely go back on our next trip to learn more about Key West's turtle fishing industry! It looks fascinating! . #Grinder #MeatGrinder #TurtleGrinder #IndustrialSized #antique #vintage #TurtleFishing #turtlemeat #turtlesoup #KeyWest #FloridaKeys #GrindersArentJustSandwiches #TheSuburbanAngler #362
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Sunday, January 03, 2021
Packing up the camper in the rain this morning gave me another great opportunity to do some testing with The Brella rain poncho! The freedom of movement is better than any rain jacket I've tried, I just wish they came in a longer length. Fishing in waist-high waders would really play to this jackets strength! First Cast coming to soon! . #TheBrella #BrellaBrella #raingear #rainponcho #rainjacket #ItAintCampinIfItDoesntRain #camping #rving #fishing #flyfishing #FirstCast #TheSuburbanAngler #363
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Saturday, January 02, 2021
The campground we stayed in to ring in the new year has a small petting zoo. These West Florida Trash Pandas were not part of the exhibit, but clearly enjoy the free food. They seemed much more friendly and outgoing than their East Florida cousins! . #WestFloridaTrashPanda #bandit #racoon #pettingzoo #campground #camping #rving #FLOutdoors #FloridaWildlife #TheSuburbanAngler #364
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I got to check out these awesome, Made in USA, foam flyboxes from @manaflyfishing at last year's IFTD and I can't wait to put one through its paces! They're now available to purchase on the Mana Fly Fishing website! . #Repost #TheSuburbanAngler ・・・ Happy New Year!!! Introducing a new fly box for 2021. Available in classic non slotted and slotted variations. These boxes are durable single piece foam construction, no inserts here!!! A new take on the timeless foam fly box MADE IN USA Check out the website link in bio . . . . . . #manaflyfishing #flyfishing #flybox #newproduct #flytying #onthefly #flies #dryfly #nymphing #streamer #bonefish #trout #stripedbass #salmon #brooktrout #catchandrelease #madeinusa #dowhatyoulove
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Friday, January 01, 2021
It really says something about 2020 when most of my Top 9 were from years past! I'm going to work on a better Top 9 for 2021! Thanks for sticking with me! Now, let's have More Fun in '21!!! . #Top9 #top9of2020 #MoreFunIn21 #flyfishing #boating #kayaking #gheenoe #trout #bluegill #bluefish #brookie #mountains #beaches #coldwaterflyfishing #warmwaterflyfishing #saltwaterflyfishing #flytying #camping #rving #traveling #shows #TheSuburbanAngler #365
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