Tuesday, February 21, 2023

MCFF Fly Tying Night "Reversed Spider Fly" - 20 February 2023

Tonight's Mid-Coast Fly Fisher's Tying Meeting had Carl Sanders lead the group in a popular shrimp imitation used in the Pacific Northwest, the Reversed Spider Fly. Using mallard feathers, flash of your choice and chenille, this simple fly will challenge you with the reverse-palmered hackle and seemingly oversized proportions. The movement of this fly should drive any fish species wild!

Thursday, February 02, 2023

The Fly Fishing Show Atlanta 2023

Tomorrow morning kicks off the first 3-day long The Fly Fishing Show in Atlanta! I'll be doing my typical show-floor coverage, so follow along, drop comments and ask questions (and, like the pictures, it really does help). I'll do my best to respond and find the answers. And, if you're at the show, stop me and say hello, it'd be great to meet you!