The Suburban Angler
A Fly Fishing Blog: Suburban fly fishing in North Georgia, Central Florida and beyond!
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Sunday, June 27, 2021
Got the Gheenoe loaded up on the truck this afternoon. I'm going to take the long route to ICAST and try to do some fishing along the way! . #Gheenoe #GheenoeHighsider #loadedup #cartopped #ICAST2021 #ICASTShow #ICAST #FLOutdoors #FloridaFlyfishing #FlyfishFL #GulfCoastFlyfishing #camping #Softopper #TheSuburbanAngler #188
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Saturday, June 26, 2021
An early morning on the Chattahoochee. Hoping for another before much longer. . #earlymorningfog #earlymorning #ChattahoocheeRiver #flyfishing #troutfishing #SuburbanAngling #gaoutdoors #FlyfishGA #TheSuburbanAngler #190
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Thursday, June 24, 2021
Getting prepped and doing my research for ICAST 2021!!! I'll be live posting from the show floor and bringing you guys a first hand look at all the cool new gear in the sport fishing industry! I always seek out any fly gear that might be at the show, but drop me a comment and let me know what else you guys would like to see from the world's largest sport fishing show!! . #ICAST2021 #ICASTShow #ICAST #sportfishing #tradeshow #fishing #flyfishing #liveposting #newproducts #flygear #TheSuburbanAngler #194
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Wednesday, June 23, 2021
Ever get the feeling you're just being walked all over? I don't so much mind the critters checking out my truck, but they could at least wipe their feet first! . #Footprints #sandyfootprints #tracking #wildlife #leaveonlyfootprints #FLOutdoors #FLStateParks #animaltracks #camping #TheSuburbanAngler #195
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Monday, June 21, 2021
Dedicated Fly Tyers!! The first night back to an MCFF Fly Tying meeting was met with a thunderstorm that knocked out the power! The beginner class got it done, though, by finishing instruction under emergency lights, a vise lamp and cell phone glow. The power came back just as the intermediate class was preparing to tie a shrimp variant using Clouser minnow techniques. . #DedicatedFlyTyers #CaptionCreditGoesToEmmett #MCFF #MidCoastFlyFishers #TyingNight #tyingmeeting #shrimpfly #saltwaterflytying #flytying #saltwaterflyfishing #flyfishing #flyfishingclub #FlyfishFL #FloridaFlyfishing #poweroutage #thunderstorm #TheSuburbanAngler #171
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Sunday, June 20, 2021
I never mind Bass Thumb, but Mag Thumb sucks! I should've gotten one of these UpLULA loaders from MagLULA a long time ago! Check out the limited edition Red, White and Blue version they show on their website! . #UpLULA #MagLULA #magloader #militarygrade #magazineloader #bassthumb #magthumb #nomoremagthumb #hopefullymorebassthumbrealsoon #FLOutdoors #shooting #40sandw #40cal #shootingrange #targetpractice #2A #TheSuburbanAngler #170
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Thursday, June 17, 2021
I'm looking forward to Tying Night starting back at MCFF next week! . #TyingNight #flytying #flytyingmeeting #MCFF #MidCoastFlyFishers #FFI #flytyingvise #flytyingtools #flyfishing #TheSuburbanAngler #199
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Wednesday, June 16, 2021
Picked up a new book this weekend and I'm really looking forward to digging in to it! . #StandardCatalogOfSmithAndWesson #SmithAndWesson #S&W #4thEdition #research #referencebook #firearmshistory #outdoorlifestyle #outdoors #2A #TheSuburbanAngler #199
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Monday, June 14, 2021
Happy Flag Day!! I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. . #FlagDay2021 #14June1777 #FlagOfTheUnitedStates #RedWhiteandBlue #USCGCutterEagle #TheSuburbanAngler #201
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Sunday, June 13, 2021
Visited a little different kind of shop today. The taxidermy collection alone was worth the trip!! . #ShootStraight #Apopka #SportingGoods #hunting #shooting #precisionsports #FLOutdoors #2a #pewpew #TheSuburbanAngler #203
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Monday, June 07, 2021
Noticed this at dinner tonight, so snapped a quick photo to remember to look it up. The Southeastern Fisheries Association is the professional association for the commercial fishing industry in the Southeastern US (as the name implies). I found it interesting and will do some more reading on their website. I forgot to try the hot sauce, though.... . #SoutheasternFisheriesAssociation #HullsSeafood #hotsauce #condiments #seafood #friedseafood #SundayLunch #OrmondBeach #commercialfishing #TheSuburbanAngler #209
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Friday, June 04, 2021
Rocket launches are a little tougher to see from here on cloudy days. Still fun to watch, though!! . #rocketlaunch #SpaceX #Falcon9 #ISS #resupply #rocket #launch #Florida #FloridaLife #SpaceCoast #FLOutdoors #TheSuburbanAngler #212
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Tuesday, June 01, 2021
Ordered another vintage fishing book for the library! I didn't realize when I placed the order that the book was coming from Gloucestershire, but I always love seeing that Royal Mail postmark! And, it took less than the projected month to receive! . #SeaTrout #HowToCatchThem #vintage #vintagebook #vintagefishingbook #RoyalMail #flyfishing #TheSuburbanAngler #214
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