The Suburban Angler
A Fly Fishing Blog: Suburban fly fishing in North Georgia, Central Florida and beyond!
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Sunday, April 25, 2021
Another nice lunch spot. . #Saturdaylunchdate #marinaview #yachtwatching #lunch #TheSuburbanAngler #252
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Saturday, April 24, 2021
Try to remember to look up once in a while. . #tip #lookup #flyfishing #TheSuburbanAngler #253
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Thursday, April 22, 2021
Fantastic mail day today! I'm very excited to try out these new Korkers River Ops wading boots! Thanks to the folks at Korkers for making boots in size 15 and sending a pair my way!! . #Korkers #korkersfootwear #korkerswadingboots #RiverOps #KorkersRiverOps #newwadingboots #wadingboots #flyfishinggear #flygear #productreview #dustoffthegopro #FirstCast #comingsoon #flyfishing #TheSuburbanAngler #254
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90 more days! . #ICAST2021 #ICASTshow #ICAST #FISHINGSHOW #WorldsLargest #fishinggear #fishingequipment #rods #reels #boats #clothing #tools #flyfishing #TheSuburbanAngler #255
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Wednesday, April 21, 2021
I've been seeing some great looking bream come through my feed lately and I'm ready to get into some bruisers!! . #bruiser #bream #bull #bluegill #sunfish #panfish #flyfishing #pondfishing #canoe #flyfishing #TheSuburbanAngler #256
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Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Fishin' hat. . #fishinhat #hat #flies #cover #flypatch #saltwaterflies #looksverywelllovednow #thefliesarelonggone #AlparettaOutfitters #TheSuburbanAngler #257
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Friday, April 16, 2021
I whipped together a couple quick test patterns tonight to try out the dollar store chenille I picked up. So far, it seems pretty good to me. The material was very soft, so easy to work, it was easy to strip, to facilitate tie-in, and added a lot of bulk with minimal wraps. I look forward to fishing it and seeing how it holds up! . #flytying #chenille #frugalflytying #woolybuggers #variants #2saltwaterhook #saltwaterflies #saltwaterflytying #warmwaterflies #warmwaterflytying #saltwaterflyfishing #warmwaterflyfishing #TheSuburbanAngler #261
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Thursday, April 15, 2021
Throwing back to that time I got to cast a Hardy rod and reel in a Ritz-Carlton resort golf course water hazard! Such a cool day!! . #throwback #IFTDOnTheWater #HardyFlyfishing #flycasting #geartesting #TheSuburbanAngler #262
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An old shot of the maiden voyage of my Equinox kayak. The lines and straps have all dry rotted and the seat back broke a long time ago, so, for some reason, I've been thinking some about doing a refit and getting it all back in serviceable order. . #EquinoxKayak #kayaking #refit #kayakfishing #kayakflyfishing #paddling #LakeLanier #2013 #kayakinggear #flygear #flyfishinggear #flyfishing #TheSuburbanAngler #263
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Wednesday, April 14, 2021
The Loxahatchee River, Florida's first designated Wild and Scenic river. I'm making plans to return this summer with the Gheenoe, and I can't wait to see what takes my fly and the flora and fauna that makes this river Wild and Scenic!!! . #LoxahatcheeRiver #wildandscenic #river #brackish #streams #creeks #inlet #saltwaterflyfishing #warmwaterflyfishing #brackishwaterflyfishing #gheenoefishing #gheenoe #flyfishing #TheSuburbanAngler #264
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Tuesday, April 13, 2021
The Old Bamboo. Long overdue for some exercise! . #oldbamboo #bamboo #bambooflyrod #classicflyrod #classicflyfishing #3weight #dryfly #smallstream #troutstream #troutfishing #flyrod #flyfishingequipment #flyfishinggear #flygear #TheSuburbanAngler #265
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Monday, April 12, 2021
Pretty happy to find some nice looking black chenille in the Dollar Tree this weekend. It's a bit thicker than I typically use for bream and trout flies, but for a dollar, I figured it'd be worth trying for bass and saltwater flies! That works out to around half a cent per foot, compared to fly specific chenille that can be over a dollar a foot! I'll keep you posted on how it performs. Have you found any tying materials at the dollar store? . #chenille #flytyingmaterials #flytying #frugalflytying #woolybuggers #gurglers #wormflies #flyfishing #warmwaterflies #saltwaterflies #bassflies #flytyinggear #TheSuburbanAngler #266
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Saturday, April 10, 2021
I made Nora Mill grits for dinner tonight and it always gets me thinking about trout fishing in north Georgia! . #noramillgranary #grits #sausageandgrits #woodendam #dam #ChattahoocheeRiver #feedthefish #northgeorgiamountains #northGeorgia #flyfishing #troutfishing #TheSuburbanAngler #268
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Friday, April 09, 2021
I've been working on building and rebuilding a couple of my emergency kits recently and I've seen several good reviews on these UCO Stormproof matches. I was finally able to pick up a couple boxes tonight, and I'm looking forward to trying them out. If you've got any experience with them, or know of something better, I'd be interested in hearing it! . #UCOStormproofMatches #UCOStormproof #matches #stormproofmatches #stormproof #waterproof #waterresistant #emergencykit #fire #firestarter #emergencypreparedness #flyfishing #flyfishinggear #TheSuburbanAngler #269
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Thursday, April 08, 2021
Tomoka Lagoon snooklet on a Crystal Schminnow! . #TomokaLagoon #TomokaRiver #TomokaStatePark #snooklet #snook #crystalschminnow #732019 #flyfishing #saltwaterflyfishing #TheSuburbanAngler #270
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Wednesday, April 07, 2021
Fellow fisherman. He's a lot better than I am!! . #fellowfisherman #GreatBlueHeron #Heron #wadingbird #flwildlife #birds #birdwatching #SebastianInlet #TheSuburbanAngler #271
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Tuesday, April 06, 2021
The jetties and inlet at Sebastian Inlet State Park. Wind speeds reached 21.9 mph over the weekend! . #SebastianInlet #SebastianInletStatePark #StatePark #FloridaStateParks #TreasureCoast #windy #windadvisory #beach #flyfishing #TheSuburbanAngler #272
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Sunday, April 04, 2021
Very happy to finally get a hood for this old Craftsman hatchet! I guessed at the size, but this Harry J. Epstein Co. sheath fits like it was made for it. I look forward to seeing how this thick leather ages! . #HarryJEpsteinCo #leather #hatchet #sheath #hood #cover #vintage #Craftsman #campaxe #axe #camping #tools #TheSuburbanAngler #274
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Saturday, April 03, 2021
Planning for a bit of this (finally!) this weekend. If this wind will let up!! . #windy #northwind #saltwaterflyfishing #saltwaterflies #FlyFishFL #flyfishing #weekendplans #aftertheprojectsaredone #FLOutdoors #TheSuburbanAngler #275
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Friday, April 02, 2021
The Suburban Angler Florida Edition . #276 #TheSuburbanAngler
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