Monday, January 19, 2015

We Have A Winner!!!

Thanks to everyone who followed, liked and shared!  This giveaway was a lot of fun for me!  Thanks so much for all the support!  Instagram follower @dcasto128 is the lucky winner of all these goodies!  Just shoot an email with your mailing info to and I'll send it right out to you!
Huge thanks to Tacky Fly Box, ARC Fishing and Fly Box Outfitters for donating to the giveaway!!  And thanks, too, to all the vendors I was able to get the decals from!! 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Umpqua Feather Merchants

Huge thanks to the folks at Umpqua Feather Merchants for the pile of gear to test and review!
Evenin' Folks,
  If you follow me on social media then you've already seen these pictures, but I wanted to make sure and get them posted up here for those that don't.  Back at IFTD I had the pleasure of meeting the folks from Umpqua Feather Merchants and I had the opportunity to check out the soon-to-be-released gear they had in the works.  Fast forward a few months and I had a nice, big box waiting on the front porch full of a few pieces of that new gear that impressed me so much!  Keep an eye here on over the next few months as I do my First Cast review and follow ups.  I've already mounted the Tailgater on a storage container and filled a few of the pockets and I can tell already that it's going to become a vital piece of kit for me!
  I hope you're all doing well and staying warm this winter!

The Tailgater locked and loaded!  There are still a lot of empty pockets to fill!

Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Giveaway 2015!!!


The Suburban Angler Giveaway 2015!!! This giveaway has been in the works for several months, and it's finally a go!  This is just a small way for me to say thanks for all the support in 2014 and a little bribe to get you to stick with me for all the good things to come in 2015! Thanks and good luck!!!
  There are multiple ways to win:
Since you're here, subscribe to the blog!  All subscribers get their name entered in the contest, just make sure to comment on this post so I have some way to contact you if you win!

  If you're on Instagram:
FOLLOW @TheSuburbanAngler, find the photo above and give it a LIKE, then make sure you SHARE it with the tags
@TheSuburbanAngler and #TSAgiveaway2015

  If you prefer FaceBook:
LIKE The Suburban Angler, find the photo above and give it a LIKE, then make sure you SHARE it with the tags
@TheSuburbanAngler and #TSAgiveaway2015

The contest will run until midnight eastern time on 01/18/15 and the winner will be chosen by random number generator and announced on 01/19/15 by midnight.  This is your chance to win an awesome Tacky Fly Box and logo buff, an ARC Fishing can koozie, plus a pile of manufacturer and fly shop stickers (for your cooler, back window or Trapper Keeper!) that I've collected since IFTD and anything else that I find between now and the end of the contest. 

Thursday, January 01, 2015

Happy New Year 2015!!!!

Happy New Year!!! 2014 was a great year for The Suburban Angler and 2015 will be even better!! We've got some big plans in the works, starting with our first giveaway, so stay tuned! Thanks for all the support in 2014 and here's to a happy, healthy and prosperous new year!! 
   Thanks again,