The Suburban Angler
A Fly Fishing Blog: Suburban fly fishing in North Georgia, Central Florida and beyond!
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Thursday, April 28, 2022
Great view from the camper window tonight! I'll be in Blue Ridge, GA on Saturday for the @brtroutandoutdoorfest and can't wait! I'm looking forward to a lot of visiting, so if you spot me there be sure to say hello!! . #BlueRidge #Georgia #BlueRidgeGA #TroutAndOutdoorFest #TroutFest #TroutFishing #GAOutdoors #FlyFishGA #GAFlyfishing #fishing #flies #flycasting #flyshops #TheSuburbanAngler
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Monday, April 18, 2022
A very insightful presentation on rod construction from industry insider Capt. Todd Vivian of Spot Stalker Charters and Mud Hole Custom Tackle! Here, Capt. Todd is demonstrating the effects of spine orientation in a rod blank. Another great meeting of the Mid Coast Fly Fishers! . #CaptToddVivian #SpotStalkerCharters #MudHoleCustomTackle #MCFF #MidCoastFlyFishers #flyfishing #saltwaterflyfishing #rodbuilding #clubmeeting #TheSuburbanAngler
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Monday, April 11, 2022
Dr. Art Litowitz of the Riverside Conservancy gave an overview presentation to the Mid Coast Fly Fishers on the work, collaboration, research and experimentation they're doing in the area of shoreline restoration and Living Shoreline conservation techniques. Fascinating information about a pretty common sense approach that definitely warrants learning more! . #RiversideConservancy #LivingShoreline #ShorelineRestoration #MosquitoLagoon #MCFF #MidCoastFlyFishers #saltwaterflyfishing #coastalliving #flyfishing #TheSuburbanAngler
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Saturday, April 09, 2022
Beautiful morning for a fly shop grand opening in St. Augustine! I highly recommend you get by Old City Fly Shop today to check it out! Huge congratulations to the guys behind it, and I wish them the best of luck! It's on my route home from the office, so I know I'll be spending a lot of time here. I was honored to be asked to add a sticker to their collection, so if you go, take a selfie with The Suburban Angler logo, tag me, and I'll send you a sticker pack! . #OldCityFlyShop #flyshop #StAugustine #flyfishing #saltwaterflyfishing #backcountryflyfishing #flies #flytying #flygear #FlyFishFL #FLOutdoors #supportyourlocalflyshop #TheSuburbanAngler
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Friday, April 08, 2022
Driving up in the morning to check out the new flyshop! I'm pretty excited to have a shop between home and the office again, and I know this is a great group of folks! I'll try to share some pictures of the store during the event! . #OldCityFlyShop #NewFlyShop #GrandOpening #flyshop #localflyshop #StAugustine #flyfishing #flygear #flies #flytying #TheSuburbanAngler
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