Showing posts with label ICAST2018. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ICAST2018. Show all posts

Monday, June 25, 2018

15 days to go: Taylor Revolution reels!

With 15 days to go until IFTD and ICAST 2018, here's a lineup of Taylor Revolution reels! Have you seen the wild annodizing they've been doing lately? Really awesome stuff! And, check out my First Cast video on The Suburban Angler YouTube channel for my thoughts on an early Taylor Type 1 reel. I'm looking forward to seeing what they have in store for IFTD 2018!!

Thursday, June 07, 2018

33 days to go!

33 days to go! Tonight's Countdown Throwback photo features the ARC Fishing booth. Obsessed about the technology and design of their lines, leaders and tippets, they say their 99 series lines are good for 99% of the conditions you'll encounter!! I've used them and had great experiences! @arcfishing

Wednesday, June 06, 2018

34 more days until IFTD/ICAST 2018!!!

34 more days until IFTD/ICAST 2018!!! Tonight's Throwback Countdown shot is the Finn Utility booth from IFTD 2014. One of the things that really holds appeal for me in fly fishing is it's history and tradition. These hand made accessories from Vermont combine modern utility with the traditional fly fishing aesthetic. All the Finn products are built tough, made to be used and will last generations! Check them out at and @finnutility.

Friday, June 01, 2018

IFTD Throwback Countdown

This probably should've been the first picture I posted for my IFTD Throwback Countdown series, but too late. This was right after I picked up my first Media Badge at ICAST and IFTD 2014. This year (2018) will be my 5th year attending!!